Where we donate

Gifts for Manus and Nauru
Gifts for Manus and Nauru is a registered charity supporting our asylum seeker and refugee friends in PNG (previously on Manus Island) and Nauru. Mobile phone credit provides vital support for physical and mental health by allowing regular contact with family, as well as allowing access to medical, legal, media and advocacy support in Australia. Phone access provided much needed emotional support and connection when it is most needed.
World Wellness Group
WWG specialises in refugee and asylum seeker health, their practitioners providing ongoing health care to people from refugee backgrounds, no matter how long they have been in Australia. Essential health care is also provided for thousands of people seeking asylum.
Many people seeking asylum experience Medicare ineligibility for extended times and this acts as a strong barrier to accessing health care and mental health support.
WWG clinic provides seamless health services regardless of Medicare eligibility. They also provide food and personal care items to people seeking asylum when previous supports such as case management and income support can no longer be accessed.
Indooroopilly Uniting Church Asylum Seeker and Refugee Support Group
The group give practical support to needy asylum seekers and refugees. Volunteers and pro-bono lawyers help asylum seekers and refugees complete complex immigration paperwork.
Food distribution has become an increasingly important service. This started over five years ago as an add-on to the free form filling and now the value of the food help given every week is at least $1000. This comes from donations, FoodBank free and purchased, and supermarket vouchers.
Buddies' donations help support the very lean administrative costs and nearly all goes directly to the purchase of $100 and $50 food vouchers and to GoCards which are gifted to people in dire circumstances.
Communify Asylum Circle provide transitional accommodation for people seeking asylum who have visa restrictions and have become homeless. They also assist with emergency financial support, and referrals to medical and dental services.
Asylum Circle is a collaborative initiative that contributes to the support of people seeking asylum in Brisbane, working with other stakeholders in the sector with the aim of improving services for people seeking asylum.
Communify is focussed on projects that enable better service delivery and will refer to other organisations for community advocacy and education.
Romero Mercy Community Services
Romero provides individualised case coordination and a range of welcoming, inclusive support services for refugees and people seeking asylum in Queensland. The group helps people seeking asylum and refugees including many who are ineligible for support or service access elsewhere.
Romero provides a place where people safely interact with others and engage in skills development and social classes including English Language classes, Men’s Group sessions, Sewing and Art Group sessions. It also provides legal, housing, and some employment support and provides basic needs such as food and toiletries when available.
Romero receives no government funding for its core operations. Buddies' support through the generous financial contributions enables the crucial housing program to continue whereby those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness are supported to maintain their accommodation or are assisted into supportive or community housing.
Brisbane On Arrival Refugee Support Group
Brisbane On Arrival Refugee Support Group supports refugees in Brisbane Immigration Transit Accommodation (BITA), the government detention centre at Pinkenba. The group supports medevac arrivals with their requirements such as phones, SIM cards, clothing, toiletries etc. as well as health and dental support whilst in onshore detention.